Master Mécanique International Master degree in Transfers-Fluids-Materials in Aeronautical and Sapce Applications
Master 2
24 mois
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Éligible CPF
Master 2
24 mois
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Éligible CPF
The TFM-ASA Master Program is a two-year Master of Science Program taught in English by 3 Universities in 3 different countries (Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) , Brandenburg University of Technology (Germany) and University of Bordeaux (France)).
The students will benefit from top quality training in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. They will spend an entire semester in each university. Many industrial partners are directly involved through internships for students, conferences and even courses.
For more details :
À Bordeaux
De l'année 2024 à 2026
351 cours de la Libération
33400 Talence
> Voir la carte
24 mois
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En alternance